ウインドウの色々な設定項目 – FlyWithLua


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--	New XPlane 11 XPLMDisplay Methods
--	Modified: Nov 18 2018 - IanQ
-- Lua/C++ Testing
-- NEW:
-- XPLMGetMouseLocationGlobal - void XPLMGetMouseLocationGlobal(int * outX, int * outY)
-- XPLMGetScreenSize - void XPLMGetScreenSize(int * outWidth, int * outHeight)
-- XPLMGetScreenBoundsGlobal - void XPLMGetScreenBoundsGlobal(int * inLeft, int * inTop, int * inRight, int * inBottom)
-- XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsOS - void XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsOS(XPLMReceiveMonitorBoundsOS_f inMonitorBoundsCallback, void * inRefcon)
-- XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal - void XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal(XPLMReceiveMonitorBoundsGlobal_f inMonitorBoundsCallback, void * inRefcon)
-- float_wnd_is_popped - int XPLMWindowIsPoppedOut(XPLMWindowID inWindowID)
-- float_wnd_get_visible - int XPLMGetWindowIsVisible(XPLMWindowID inWindowID)
-- float_wnd_set_visible - void XPLMSetWindowIsVisible(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int inIsVisible)
-- float_wnd_is_front - int XPLMIsWindowInFront(XPLMWindowID inWindowID)
-- float_wnd_bring_to_front - void XPLMBringWindowToFront(XPLMWindowID inWindowID)
-- float_wnd_set_resizing_limits - void XPLMSetWindowResizingLimits(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int inMinWidthBoxels, int inMinHeightBoxels, int inMaxWidthBoxels, int inMaxHeightBoxels)
-- float_wnd_set_positioning_mode - void XPLMSetWindowPositioningMode(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, XPLMWindowPositioningMode inPositioningMode, int inMonitorIndex)
-- float_wnd_set_gravity - void XPLMSetWindowGravity(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, float inLeftGravity, float inTopGravity, float inRightGravity, float inBottomGravity)
-- float_wnd_set_geometry
--		- フローティングウィンドウ用、 これに相当 - void XPLMSetWindowGeometry(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int inLeft, int inTop, int inRight, int inBottom))
--		- OSウィンドウ用, これに相当       - void XPLMSetWindowGeometryOS(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int inLeft, int inTop, int inRight, int inBottom)
-- float_wnd_get_geometry
--		- for floating window, equivalent to - void XPLMGetWindowGeometry(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int * outLeft, int * outTop, int * outRight, int * outBottom)
--		- for OS window, equivalent to       - void XPLMGetWindowGeometryOS(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int * outLeft, int * outTop, int * outRight, int * outBottom)
-- VRハードウェアがないためテストされていません----------------------------------------------------------------
-- float_wnd_is_vr - int XPLMWindowIsInVR(XPLMWindowID inWindowID)
-- float_wnd_set_geometry, これに相当 - void XPLMSetWindowGeometryVR(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int widthBoxels, int heightBoxels)
-- float_wnd_get_geometry, これに相当 - void XPLMGetWindowGeometryVR(XPLMWindowID inWindowID, int * outWidthBoxels, int * outHeightBoxels)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- float_wnd_set_title: フローティングウィンドウでのみ使用可能
-- float_wnd_set_resizing_limits: フローティングウィンドウで設定する必要があり、OSウィンドウで機能しますが、setGeometryOSはそれを変更します
-- float_wnd_set_gravity: This one works, but get weird results depending on parms used
-- float_wnd_bring_to_front: Works with floating, not OS, the workaround is to change from OS to floating to OS
-- float_wnd_get_visible: Current FWL uses isVisible to close/destroy window, have a fix available to resolve this
--		- For OS window, can hide, can't get back unless first change to FW window
-- float_wnd_set_positioning_mode: If use to change window from floating to OS, be warned that the window position may change
--		- If OS window calls positioning_mode, window gets set to floating window
-- XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsOS - returns lua multi-dimensional table with data from XPLMReceiveMonitorBoundsOS_f
-- XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal - returns lua multi-dimensional table with data from XPLMReceiveMonitorBoundsGlobal_f
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    -- to make sure the script doesn't stop old FlyWithLua versions
    logMsg("imgui not supported by your FlyWithLua version")


local is_popped = false                                            -- flag for window popped
local is_visible = true                                            -- flag for window visible
local is_front = false                                             -- flag for window in front
local is_vr = false                                                -- flag for window in VR

local winx, winy = 0, 0                                            -- window x,y coordinates
local mousex, mousey = 0, 0                                        -- mouse click x,y coordinates

local minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight = 800, 600, 800, 600 -- float_wnd_set_resizing_limits
local gLeft, gTop, gRight, gBottom = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0            -- float_wnd_set_gravity
local winLeft, winTop, winRight, winBottom = 0, 0, 0, 0            -- float_wnd_get_geometry (fw & os)
local vrWidth, vrHeight = 0, 0                                     -- float_wnd_get_geometry (vr)
local dWidth, dHeight = 0, 0                                       -- float_wnd_get_dimensions
local msgx, msgy = 0, 0                                            -- XPLMGetMouseLocationGlobal
local ssWidth, ssHeight = 0, 0                                     -- XPLMGetScreenSize
local bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom = 0, 0, 0, 0                    -- XPLMGetScreenBoundsGlobal
local tLeft, tTop, tRight, tBottom = 0, 0, 0, 0                    -- temp coordinates for pop/FW type toggle

local numPopped = 0                                                -- numeric representation of boolean is_popped
local chg_title = false                                            -- toggle for title change
local toggle_second_window = "off"                                 -- toggle for creating 2nd window
local pTitle = ""                                                  -- title for 2nd window

local toggle_timer = 0                                             -- for timer function
local call_timer = 0
local generic_timer = 0
local generic_counter = 0

local text_vr = { "not ", "" }   -- for draw.string
local text_os = { "", "OS" }
local text_wt = { "Floating", "OS" }

local tOS = {}     -- table for XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsOS
local tGB = {}     -- table for XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal

-- convert bool to number
local function bool_to_number(value)
    return value == true and 1 or value == false and 0

-- used for 2nd window of inFront/isVisible methods
function des_ondraw(des_wnd, x, y)
    if (call_timer ~= 0 and toggle_timer ~= 0) then
        local dWidth, dHeight = float_wnd_get_dimensions(des_wnd)
        draw_string(x + dWidth - 100, y + 5, "Time Count = " .. os.time() - generic_counter, "white")

-- x and y are the origin of the window, i.e. the lower left
-- x increases to the right, y increases to the top
function on_draw(fwl_wnd, x, y)
    -- used in logMsg to display on_draw window coords
    winx, winy = x, y

    is_popped = float_wnd_is_popped(fwl_wnd)
    is_visible = float_wnd_get_visible(fwl_wnd)
    is_front = float_wnd_is_front(fwl_wnd)
    is_vr = float_wnd_is_vr(fwl_wnd)
    --is_vr = true	-- if this is set can pseudo-emulate VR, Get/SetGeometry methods don't work though!

    -- numerical rep of boolean, used for math calc
    numPopped = bool_to_number(is_popped)

    -- get geometry
    if (is_vr) then
        -- VRでウィンドウのボクセルを使用
        vrWidth, vrHeight = float_wnd_get_geometry(fwl_wnd)
        winTop, winBottom = minHeight, 0
        draw_string(x + 2, y + 250, "VR Window Size = " .. vrWidth .. " x " .. vrHeight, "white")
        -- フローティングウィンドウの場合、グローバルデスクトップボクセル座標を使用します
        -- ポップされたウィンドウの場合、オペレーティングシステムのピクセル座標を使用します
        winLeft, winTop, winRight, winBottom = float_wnd_get_geometry(fwl_wnd)

    -- pre-existing float_wnd command, calculates window size
    dWidth, dHeight = float_wnd_get_dimensions(fwl_wnd)

    -- returns the current mouse location in global desktop boxels
    msgx, msgy = XPLMGetMouseLocationGlobal()

    -- returns the size of the main X-Plane OpenGL window in pixels
    ssWidth, ssHeight = XPLMGetScreenSize()

    -- returns the bounds of the "global" X-Plane desktop, in boxels
    bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom = XPLMGetScreenBoundsGlobal()

    -- OS: calls you back with the bounds (in pixels) of each monitor within the operating system's global desktop space
    -- Global: calls you back with the bounds (in boxels) of each full-screen X-Plane window within the X-Plane global desktop space
    tOS = XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsOS()
    tGB = XPLMGetAllMonitorBoundsGlobal()

    draw_string(x + 2, y + 200, "All Bounds Monitor OS Element Count:   " .. #tOS)
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 185, "All Bounds Monitor Global Element Count:   " .. #tGB)

    for i = 1, #tOS, 1 do
        draw_string(x + 2, y + 170 - (i * 15),
            "All Bounds Monitor " .. tOS[i].MonIndex .. " :      OS: " .. tOS[i].inLeft .. " , " ..
            tOS[i].inTop .. " , " .. tOS[i].inRight .. " , " .. tOS[i].inBottom)

    for i = 1, #tGB, 1 do
        draw_string(x + 350, y + 170 - (i * 15), "Global: " .. tGB[i].inLeft .. " , " ..
            tGB[i].inTop .. " , " .. tGB[i].inRight .. " , " .. tGB[i].inBottom)

    -- timer loops for inFront/isVisible functions
    if (toggle_timer == 1 and os.time() > generic_timer) then
        if (call_timer == 1) then
            logMsg("isFront timer done")
            toggle_second_window = "front"
        elseif (call_timer == 2) then
            logMsg("isVisible timer hide start")
            toggle_second_window = "hide"
        toggle_timer = 2
        generic_timer = os.time() + 10.0

    if (toggle_timer == 2 and os.time() > generic_timer) then
        if (call_timer == 1) then
            logMsg("isFront close test window")
            toggle_timer = 0
            call_timer = 0
            toggle_second_window = "close"
        elseif (call_timer == 2) then
            logMsg("isVisible timer show start")
            toggle_second_window = "show"
            toggle_timer = 3
            generic_timer = os.time() + 10.0

    if (toggle_timer == 3 and os.time() > generic_timer) then
        if (call_timer == 2) then
            logMsg("isVisible close test window")
            toggle_timer = 0
            call_timer = 0
            toggle_second_window = "close"

    if (toggle_timer ~= 0) then
        draw_string(x + dWidth - 130, y + 5, "Time Remaining = " .. generic_timer - os.time(), "white")

    -- floating windows use Boxels, OS windows use pixels
    -- for OS window, size is 20 units bigger width & height
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 20,
        "Window is " .. text_wt[numPopped + 1] .. " Window", "white")
    if (not is_popped) then draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 60,
            "ウィンドウのタイトルを変更するには、ここをクリック", "cyan") end
    draw_string(x + 260, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 20,
        "Window is " .. text_vr[bool_to_number(is_vr) + 1] .. "VR", "white")
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 85, "ウィンドウタイプを切り替えるには、ここをクリック: Floating/Popped",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 110, "VRモードを切り替えるには、ここをクリック",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 135, "ウィンドウのポジショニングモードを変更するには、ここをクリック",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 160,
        "ウィンドウの引力をに設定するには、ここをクリック " ..
        gLeft .. "," .. gTop .. "," .. gRight .. "," .. gBottom, "green")
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 185, "ウィンドウのサイズ変更制限を設定するには、ここをクリック",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 210,
        "ウィンドウのジオメトリを増やすには、ここをクリック; 減少するには、ここをクリック; 通常はこちらをクリック",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 235, "ウィンドウを前面に表示するには、ここをクリック",
    draw_string(x + 20, y + (winTop - winBottom - (20 * numPopped)) - 260,
        "ウィンドウの表示を変更するには、ここをクリック - 2番目のウィンドウは非表示/再表示/閉じる",

    draw_string(x + 2, y + 110, "Mouse Click x,y = " .. mousex .. " , " .. mousey, "white")
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 95, "Global Mouse Location x,y = " .. msgx .. " , " .. msgy, "white")
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 80, "float_wnd_get_dimensions = " .. dWidth .. " x " .. dHeight, "white")
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 65,
        "Window Geometry" ..
        text_os[numPopped + 1] .. " LTRB = " .. winLeft .. " , " .. winTop .. " , " .. winRight .. " , " .. winBottom,
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 50, "Window Size = " .. winRight - winLeft .. " x " .. winTop - winBottom, "white")
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 35, "Screen Size = " .. ssWidth .. " x " .. ssHeight, "white")
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 20, "Screen Bounds = " .. bLeft .. " , " .. bTop .. " , " .. bRight .. " , " .. bBottom,
    draw_string(x + 2, y + 5, "float_wnd_set_ondraw x,y = " .. winx .. " , " .. winy, "white")
end     -- function on_draw

-- x and y are relative from the origin of the window, i.e. the lower left
-- state: 1 = mouse down, 2 = mouse drag, 3 = mouse up
function on_click(fwl_wnd, x, y, state)
    mousex, mousey = x, y

    -- we only care about button down mouse events
    if (state == 1) then
        logMsg("winx , winy = " .. winx .. " , " .. winy)
        logMsg("LTRB = " .. winLeft .. " , " .. winTop .. " , " .. winRight .. " , " .. winBottom)
        logMsg("mouse x , y = " .. x .. " , " .. y)

        -- OSウィンドウではなく、フローティングウィンドウのときだけタイトルの変更設定できます
        if (not is_popped and x >= 45 and x <= 290 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 60 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 40 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in setTitle statement")
            if (not chg_title) then
                float_wnd_set_title(fwl_wnd, "Title Changed")
                chg_title = true
                float_wnd_set_title(fwl_wnd, "Title Changed Again")
                chg_title = false

        -- set window type
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 380 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 85 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 65 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in window type statement")
            if (not is_popped) then
                tLeft, tTop, tRight, tBottom = float_wnd_get_geometry(fwl_wnd)
                float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 4, -1)
                float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 0, -1)
                float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, tLeft, tTop, tLeft + minWidth, tTop - minHeight)

        -- set VR mode
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 245 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 110 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 90 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in vr mode statement")
            if (not is_vr) then
                tLeft, tTop, tRight, tBottom = float_wnd_get_geometry(fwl_wnd)
                float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 5, -1)
                float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 0, -1)
                float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, tLeft, tTop, tLeft + minWidth, tTop - minHeight)

        -- X-Planeがウィンドウを配置する方法のポリシーを設定します
        -- xplm_WindowPositionFree				0
        -- xplm_WindowCenterOnMonitor			1
        -- xplm_WindowFullScreenOnMonitor		2
        -- xplm_WindowFullScreenOnAllMonitors	3
        -- xplm_WindowPopOut					4
        -- xplm_WindowVR						5
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 356 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 135 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 115 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in positioning statement")
            float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 1, -1)

        -- window gravity ウインドウの引力
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 330 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 160 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 140 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in gravity statement")
            float_wnd_set_gravity(fwl_wnd, gLeft, gTop, gRight, gBottom)

        -- set window resizing limits
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 330 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 185 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 165 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in resizing statement")
            float_wnd_set_resizing_limits(fwl_wnd, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight)

        -- set window geometry
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 530 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 210 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 190 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in Geometry statement")

            -- ユーザーがクリックする場所に応じてサイズを設定する
            if (x >= 45 and x <= 292) then
                hsize, vsize, vrsize = 1024, 768, 200
            elseif (x >= 304 and x <= 455) then
                hsize, vsize, vrsize = 640, 480, -200
            elseif (x >= 465 and x <= 585) then
                hsize, vsize, vrsize = 800, 600, 0

            if (is_vr) then
                -- uses boxels of a window in VR
                logMsg("VR coords: " .. vrWidth + vrsize .. " , " .. vrHeight + vrsize)
                -- float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, vrWidth + vrsize, vrHeight + vrsize)
                float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, vsize, hsize)
            elseif (is_popped) then
                -- uses operating system pixel coordinates
                logMsg("OS coords: " ..
                winLeft ..
                " , " ..
                winTop .. " , " .. winLeft + hsize + (20 * numPopped) .. " , " .. winTop - vsize - (20 * numPopped))
                float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, winLeft, winTop, winLeft + hsize + (20 * numPopped),
                    winTop - vsize - (20 * numPopped))
                -- uses global desktop boxel coordinates
                logMsg("NORM coords: " ..
                winLeft .. " , " .. winTop .. " , " .. winLeft + hsize .. " , " .. winTop - vsize)
                float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, winLeft, winTop, winLeft + hsize, winTop - vsize)

        -- window is front
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 270 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 235 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 215 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in isFront statement")
            toggle_second_window = "new"
            pTitle = "FlyWithLua isFront(前面) Window 2"
            call_timer = 1
            toggle_timer = 1
            generic_timer = os.time() + 10.0
            generic_counter = os.time()
            logMsg("isFront timer start")

        -- isVisible - falseに設定すると、スクリプトが終了します
        if (x >= 45 and x <= 250 and y >= winTop - winBottom - 260 - (20 * numPopped) and y <= winTop - winBottom - 240 - (20 * numPopped)) then
            logMsg("in isVisible statement")
            toggle_second_window = "new"
            pTitle = "FlyWithLua isVisible(見える) Window 2"
            call_timer = 2
            toggle_timer = 1
            generic_timer = os.time() + 10.0
            generic_counter = os.time()
            logMsg("isVisible timer show start")
    end     -- IF state
end         -- function on_click

-- when on_close is called, it is illegal to do anything with the fwl_wnd variable outside of this function
-- it is also not allowed to create new windows in on_close!
function on_close(fwl_wnd)
    logMsg("fwl_wnd on_close")

function des_onclick(des_wnd)

function des_onclose(des_wnd)
    logMsg("des_wnd on_close")

function second_window()
    if (toggle_second_window == "new") then
        logMsg("in second_window new")
        float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, winLeft + 100, winTop - 100, winLeft + minWidth + 100, winTop - minHeight - 100)
        des_wnd = float_wnd_create(minWidth, minHeight, 1, true)
        float_wnd_set_title(des_wnd, pTitle)
        float_wnd_set_ondraw(des_wnd, "des_ondraw")
        float_wnd_set_onclick(des_wnd, "des_onclick")
        float_wnd_set_onclose(des_wnd, "des_onclose")
        if (is_popped) then
            float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(des_wnd, 4, -1)

    if (toggle_second_window == "hide") then
        logMsg("in second_window hide")
        float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(des_wnd, 0, -1)
        float_wnd_set_visible(des_wnd, 0)

    if (toggle_second_window == "show") then
        logMsg("in second_window show")
        float_wnd_set_visible(des_wnd, 1)
        if (is_popped) then
            float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(des_wnd, 4, -1)
            float_wnd_set_geometry(des_wnd, winLeft - 100, winTop + 100, winLeft + 820 - 100, winTop - 620 + 100)

    if (toggle_second_window == "front") then
        logMsg("in second_window front")
        if (is_popped) then
            -- isFrontは、ポップされたウィンドウでは機能しないように見えるため、この回避策
            -- set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd、4、-1)を実行しようとしましたが、孤立したウィンドウが作成されました
            float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 0, -1)
            float_wnd_set_positioning_mode(fwl_wnd, 4, -1)
            float_wnd_set_geometry(fwl_wnd, winLeft, winTop, winLeft + 820, winTop - 620)

    if (toggle_second_window == "close") then
        logMsg("in second_window close")

    toggle_second_window = "off"
end         -- function second_window

-- width, height, decoration style as per XPLMCreateWindowEx. 1 for solid background, 3 for transparent
--XPLM CreateWindowExに準拠した幅、高さ、装飾スタイル。 単色の背景の場合は1、透明の場合は3
fwl_wnd = float_wnd_create(minWidth, minHeight, 1, true)
float_wnd_set_title(fwl_wnd, "FlyWithLua Test")
float_wnd_set_ondraw(fwl_wnd, "on_draw")
float_wnd_set_onclick(fwl_wnd, "on_click")
float_wnd_set_onclose(fwl_wnd, "on_close")


-- To destroy a window:
-- float_wnd_destroy(fwl_wnd)
-- after that, do not use the wnd variable anymore