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Password Manager 
1Password uses a unique approach to managing your passwords, integrating directly into your web browser. 1Password can tell when you log into a new site, and it offers to save the login for using in any of your browsers later. Your sensitive data is stored in a Login item, which you can recall with a single click or keystroke. In this section, you will learn how to save new Logins and use them to quickly log into websites.


Browser Integration ブラウザの統合
After installing 1Password, a new icon labeled “1P” will appear in your browser toolbar.
Clicking this icon reveals many of 1Password’s features, which include Fill Login, the
Strong Password Generator, and the Go & Fill menu. Let’s get started with saving a few Logins, then using them to log back into websites.


Google 翻訳

このアイコンをクリックすると、Fill (書き込み?)のログイン、強力なパスワードジェネレータ、およびGo & Fillメニューを含んだ1Passwordのの機能の多くを明らかにします。その後のウェブサイトにログインするのにそれらを使用します。いくつかのログインを保存してから始めましょう。


Save a Login to 1Password 1Passwordのためにログインを保存
To save a new Login to 1Password, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the login page of a site
  2. Enter your username and password and login like normal
  3. Hit Return to submit the form and log in—1Password will automatically detect that this is a login form and prompt you to save it:
  1. サイトのログインページを開く
  2. ログインのためのユーザ名とパスワードを通常のように入力します
  3. そして通常のようにログインするー1Passwordは自動的にこのログインフォームを検出し、保存を促すメッセージが表示されます。(下図参照)

ゼロウェブサーバー - メンバーサービス-1

Would you like to save this Login in 1Password?

2番目の「Never for this site(このサイトは決して保存しない) 」ボタンは 保存を絶対しないという事だから押さない。これを押すと再度、サイトを開いたときこのメッセージが表示されなくなる。単にこのバーを閉じる場合は最後の「×」をクリック。

Save as ( )
www.pocket- server.comとして保存


This Autosave window will appear whenever a unique password is detected for a site. If you have two (or more) accounts on one site that use the same password, you can still make this window appear and save multiple Logins for the same site.

Simply fill in the credentials for the second (or third, or fourth…) login, but before hitting Return to log in, mouse to the 1P browser button and choose Save Login to manually save a new Login entry.
The Autosave behavior can be inverted by holding the Option key when submitting a form: if Autosave is enabled, holding down the Option key will suppress the window; if Autosave is disabled, holding down the Option key will cause the window to appear.




A word about security セキュリティについて一言
Note that we strongly recommend against the practice of using the same password for multiple accounts across websites, and especially not two accounts at the same site. This practice poses a significant security risk, and doubly so if you are not using our Strong Password Manager yet, and only using plain-language words or other information like your birthday or anniversary for passwords. These types of passwords are very easy for malicious hackers to guess or possibly even look up on the Internet, and they can also be easily cracked by password guessing software.



Login Quickly and Securely with 1Password 1Passwordので迅速かつ安全にログイン
1Password offers a few different ways to log into your sites, depending on your preference for using a mouse or a keyboard. Here are the steps for each method:


1. Login with 1Password’s browser button 

  1. Visit one of your login sites, such as
  2. Mouse to the 1P button in your browser and Select the Login with… (pictured here) option that includes the name of the site
This automatically fill your credentials into the username and password fields and submits the login form.


If you have multiple Logins for a site, you will instead see a Fill Login option at the top of the 1P button menu, which contains a list of all your Logins for the site (pictured above). Click one and it will be filled and auto-submitted just like in the steps above.
Power user tip: If you have a single Login for a site, you can fill it more quickly by using the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut. If you have multiple Logins for the site, you will see a popup menu listing them all. You can then arrow or mouse to the one you want, then hit Return or click on it to fill it into the form.
In this way, 1Password makes it extraordinarily simple to not only save multiple Logins for a site, but to use any Login to quickly get back in.


2. Login faster: Using Autosubmit (Optional) 
You can use 1Password to automatically fill a Login and get you into the site in one fell swoop, saving even more time. To do so, check the Autosubmit option from the 1Password toolbar button.
Some sites will not work well with Autosubmit (for example, sites with a
CAPTCHA on the login screen). In these cases, you can disable Autosubmit for specific forms by editing the Login in the main 1Password application.


3. Login the fastest: Go & Fill 

1Password’s Go & Fill is the fastest way to automatically open a new site and immediately log in, all with just a couple clicks or keyboard strokes! This feature is accessible from within the 1Password application, as well as from the 1Password Dock icon:
Note that the 1Password application must be running and the data file be unlocked in order to see the Go & Fill menu in the Dock. There are
other cool ways to use Go & Fill, too.

1PasswordGo & Fillは、自動的に新しいサイトと、すぐにほんの数回のクリックまたはキーボードのストロークですべての、でログを開くための最速の方法です!この機能は、1Passwordのアプリケーション内からだけでなく、1Passwordのドックのアイコンからアクセスできます。
1Passwordのアプリケーションが実行される必要があり、データファイルがDockに行くと記入メニューを表示するためにロック解除されることに注意してください。また、Go & Fillを使う他のクールな方法は、ここにあります。